Monday, July 25, 2011

Geek Thought for the Day

Software development needs to become less of an art and more of an engineering discipline.

Friday, July 22, 2011

If this offends you, you're exactly the fucking idiot I'm going after with this ...

I used to say that, although I'm not religious, I would be the first person to pick up a gun to go to war to fight for anyone's right to practise their religion. But I've changed my mind. Although I would happily fight and die for anyone's freedom, I wouldn't fight for anyone's right to practise religion. It'd be like fighting for someone's right to believe in a flat Earth. It's a superstitious anachronism that needs to go away.

If this offends you, you're exactly the fucking idiot I'm going after with this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vicious Imagery: More knob, vicar? When church renovations go awry

Vicious Imagery: More knob, vicar? When church renovations go awry: "I've seen some lovely renovations of former churches. However, you never know when the addition of a new feature - like, say, a mezzanine fl..."